Giving Our Kids the Gift of Doing Nothing

In our busy, hectic, over-scheduled lives giving our kids the space to do nothing can be the most precious gift we give them. Research has shown that making space in our lives to do nothing helps kids and adults in so many ways. Downtime is so important to our overall wellness and has been proven…

NH Car Seat Law has Changed

As of January 1, 2024 ALL children 2 years of age and younger are REQUIRED to be rear facing while in a motor vehicle. Need help understanding or explaining more about the newly adopted practice? Watch this short video, Why Rear Facing is Safest or take a look at this website Be Seat Smart NH.…

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

In 2021, New Hampshire’s Child Advocacy Centers provided services to over 2000 NH children and their families, conducted over 1500 forensic interviews, and provided families with over 2000 referrals for behavioral health and specialized medical services to help children who have experienced abuse HEAL, SURVIVE, and THRIVE!! Prevention is key to ending the cycle of…

Mobile Healthcare Available in Milford

Lamprey Healthcare has a Mobile Health Service Van that brings critical health-related services out into the community. This helps remove barriers for individuals to establish primary care and ensure they are getting the help and preventative services they need. The mobile van is at SHARE Outreach, 1 Columbus Ave., Milford, NH every Tuesday from 1:30…

Self Care for New Moms

Focusing on a new baby often causes a new mother to put her own needs aside. While focusing attention on a new infant is extremely important, it is also important for Mom to take time for self-care and listen to signs from her body to take time for herself. Take a look at this article…

How to help avoid holiday meltdowns

The holidays are a fun and festive time to visit with friends and family. Special decorations, traditions, food and fun activities make it an exciting time. But the holidays can also present challenges for our young children whose lack of emotional regulation and adaptability to schedule changes can lead to feelings of overwhelm and frustration.…