Tips for Promoting Social-Emotional Development birth to age 3

Social-emotional wellness is often known as infant “mental health” by early childhood professionals. It is through relationships that young children develop social emotional wellness. Relationships provide the loving context necessary to comfort, protect, encourage, and offer a buffer against stressful times. Read more here on tips to promote social-emotional development in your children: Birth to…

Screen Time and your Preschooler

The following is an article by Ariel Gilreath shared from the bi-monthly newsletter titled ‘Early Childhood’ from The Hechinger Report dated 7/26/2023 Is screen time for preschoolers as bad as we think? A new study from researchers at Ohio State University suggests the answer is more nuanced than popularly believed.   Using data gathered in 2018-19, researchers…

6 Stages of Play Development

Play is all about having fun! But did you know play is more than just a fun activity for your child? During playtime children develop important life skills like problem solving, risk taking, social skills and creativity. Giving your child time to play is important for their development at every age. Try to work playtime…

Building Babies Brains Through Play

Did you know one of the most important interactions you can have with your child is through play? The earliest experiences in your baby’s life impact their future because “the experiences and relationships young children have…literally shape the development of their brain.” Looking for more information on your young child’s brain development and the many…

Your Preschooler Explained

Does your preschooler have some quirky behaviors that occasionally leave you baffled!? Wondering why they like to collect small things, or like the same story or movie on repeat? Your Preschooler Explained is a funny, honest account of some common and totally normal things about your preschoolers behaviors. As with any developmental stage, if you…