Building Babies Brains Through Play

Did you know one of the most important interactions you can have with your child is through play? The earliest experiences in your baby’s life impact their future because “the experiences and relationships young children have…literally shape the development of their brain.” Looking for more information on your young child’s brain development and the many…

Milford PD is participating in DEA National Rx Take Back Day

Safely dispose of expired, unused, unwanted prescriptions pills and patches. They do not accept liquids, needles or sharps. Saturday, October 29 from 10:00-2:00 at the Milford Police Dept. 19 Garden St. Milford, NH This is a free and anonymous service…no questions asked. Many other local Police Departments are also participating. For more information head to…

Yes! Scholarship Program provides $1,000 scholarship for NH families

Many families made significant financial sacrifices in order to allow their children to successfully continue on their pre-pandemic educational pathways or to access a new educational environment that met their needs. Sustaining these short-term sacrifices will be difficult. The YES! program will allow those families, and others whose educational pathways were disrupted, to keep their…