Picking out a toy for your child can often times prove to be daunting. There’s no shortage of choices, especially in the age of electronics and the availability of toys with all the bells and whistles. But what are the best types of toys to keep your kids entertained but also encourage their development?

There are many toys and games that increase and heighten developmental skills and abilities including physical, cognitive, social and emotional development. Choosing the right toy or game can help increase their independence, foster creativity and curiosity and encourage problem-solving skills and social interactions. When picking a toy or game it is important to keep in mind how it may enhance development and encourage budding skills.

Need some help finding toys and gifts that match your young child’s stage of development and emerging abilities? Take a look at this great short article from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (naeyc) Good Toys for Young Children by Age and Stage. It’s packed full of helpful information and suggestions for kids of all ages and abilities.

For more on your child’s healthy development head to our Child Development page — and for more tips to help you on your parenting journey take a look at our Parenting page