How to Help Prevent Back-to-School Sickness

Your kids will experience many new things as they head back to school: new teachers…new friends…new classrooms…and new germs! 🤧🤢🤒 As parents, we hate to see our kids get sick. Whether they are headed to preschool this year or they’re off to college, it’s important to help them stay healthy and bring fewer germs home…

NAMI free Family-to-Family Education Program

NAMI NH offers the NAMI Family-to-Family Education Program free of charge to participants. NAMI Family-to-Family is a 9-session education program for family, friends, loved ones, and significant others of adults with mental health conditions. NAMI Family-to-Family provides information about anxiety, depressive disorders, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other mental health conditions. Other topics covered include communication,…

Fairy House Trail at Bedford Hollow

Are you looking for a fun and easy family outing not too far from Milford!? Look no further! The new fairy house trail at Bedford Hollow is now open! Take your time wandering through this beautiful trail and see how many fairy houses you can find! The Trail is at Muller Park, 88 North Amherst…

Screen Time and your Preschooler

The following is an article by Ariel Gilreath shared from the bi-monthly newsletter titled ‘Early Childhood’ from The Hechinger Report dated 7/26/2023 Is screen time for preschoolers as bad as we think? A new study from researchers at Ohio State University suggests the answer is more nuanced than popularly believed.   Using data gathered in 2018-19, researchers…

Support for Families When Caring For a Special Needs Child

Are you a parent/caregiver looking for additional support for a child who has been diagnosed with developmental delays, a disability, or chronic illness? Family Voices has an online resource library with literacy-friendly materials to support the health and wellbeing of children and youth with special health care needs. Visit to access and share these…