Because parenting is one of the most important jobs you will ever have and little ones don’t come with an instruction manual, the Milford Kids Thrive Parenting section includes timely and seasonal parenting blogs, tips and insights on effective ways to support your child’s healthy development, highlights of local parenting resources, classes, and more.

Parents; a Child’s First Teacher

From the moment your first child is born, you become a teacher; your child’s first and most influential coach. They will watch how you treat others, how you speak to and care for others, how you spend your time, your money, your resources, and most importantly – they are learning about themselves and their role…

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Helping Kids Stay Active Outside in Winter

Help your kids stay active outside this winter (and enjoy it) with a few simple tips. It might be cold out there, but adventure still awaits! Time outside provides a daily dose of fresh air and sunlight, increases circulation and levels of vitamin D, boosts immune systems, and can promote overall wellness, including better sleep habits and…

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Creating a Yes Environment

Do you find yourself saying ‘no’ a lot to your toddler or preschooler? We’ve all been there. But trying to create a ‘Yes environment’ instead will encourage your child’s early exploration and learning skills, and makes your time together more enjoyable. Here are some ideas from Mount Sinai Parenting Center to get you started. For…

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Family Resources

You are your child’s best teacher and we want to make it easier for you. The Family Resources section is a central source highlighting available early childhood and family support resources.

Thriving Home

Our Thriving Home section aims to provide updates and links to area farms, food and clothing resources, housing programs, and more.


Welcoming children into your family changes your life and your budget. Learn about the latest resources, tools and programs to help you and your family manage your finances and save money.

Welcome Baby

Milford Thrives is delighted to welcome newborns to our community with a complimentary Welcome Baby gift. When you pick up your baby’s birth certificates at Town Hall you’ll receive your gift. Didn’t receive yours for some reason? Reach out with this form.