Milford School District based Dental Clinic

The Milford School District, in conjunction with the school nurses, will offer families the opportunity for students to participate in a school-based dental clinic.  The clinic will perform dental cleanings and placement of sealants, if appropriate.  🦷 The cost is $25 for a cleaning and an additional $30 for sealants. However, no child will be…

UNH Seeking Pregnant and Postpartum Women for a Research Study

Selina A. Agandaa, a student at UNH, is working on a research study for pregnant and postpartum individuals. She is currently recruiting participants for the study. 🩵 There is a $55 gift card incentive for participating! They want to learn more about pregnant and post–partum women’s experiences with discrimination, racism, food insecurity, and other health…

7th Annual Magnify Voices Expressive Art Contest

The Magnify Voices Expressive Art Contest recognizes and celebrates the creativity of New Hampshire youth. Submit artwork and help raise awareness about the vital importance of mental health for all! Open to NH students in grades 5 – 12 Cash prizes! The 12 finalists artwork will appear in the new planner. Deadline for submissions is…

Our Welcome Baby program is turning 5!!

Milford Kids Thrive’s Welcome Baby program has been welcoming Milford newborns to our community since the fall of 2019! It is our pleasure to work with community partners to build a nurturing Milford community where parents and families feel supported and all young children are provided with strong early childhood foundations so they can thrive.…

Envision Milford wants to hear from YOU!

The Town of Milford is working to update the Master Plan – the new initiative is called Envision Milford 2035! The Master Plan is the road map Milford will use to guide change over the next decade. It will state the community’s shared vision and goals, and will identify a recommended set of strategies and actions…

Windows on West Street; a local lunchtime favorite!

Windows on West Street (WOWs), the student-operated restaurant at Milford High School serves up warm delicious lunchtime meals typically on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Doors open at 11:15 and seatings continue until 12:15 at 100 West St. in Milford. This is a great chance to see area high school students prepare and serve superior culinary delights…

Diane’s Library – Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library; FREE books for Hillsborough County Kids!

Have you heard of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library? It is newly sponsored here in Hillsborough County, NH by Diane’s Library! Diane’s Library is a non-profit established in memory of Diane Williams. As a long-time Nashua public school teacher, Diane dedicated her life to teaching children how to read. She saw first-hand how books can open…