PBS Documentary: Early Brain Development

A child’s brain is 80% developed by age three…and 90% by age five! The early years are a period of rapid growth in a child’s brain development and learning. (*pbs.org) That’s why the early years are SO important for healthy development! Take a look at this short, easy-to-understand video from PBS which explains more about…

Easy Kitchen Science: Rubber Bouncy Eggs

The Easter Bunny may be good at hiding eggs, but your kids will think you’re magicians when they see you can make, and bounce, a ‘rubber’ egg! This fun and easy experiment uses only three common kitchen items: white vinegar 1 or 2 eggs a clear plastic or glass jar with a lid For detailed…

Parents; a Child’s First Teacher

From the moment your first child is born, you become a teacher; your child’s first and most influential coach. They will watch how you treat others, how you speak to and care for others, how you spend your time, your money, your resources, and most importantly – they are learning about themselves and their role…