Did you know…A family of 4 earning $74,941 or less is eligible for fuel AND electric assistance this year? Check out the income chart- you may be surprised to learn that you qualify.
If you qualify for assistance based on the chart in the image above you should APPLY NOW.
If you need help getting started reach out to:
SHARE Outreach in Milford at 603.924.2243 or email info@sharenh.org
or Grapevine Family & Community Resource Center in Antrim at 603.588.2620 or email info@grapevinenh.org
They are here to help!
**In addition to connecting you to these programs, the Grapevine offers a free emergency wood bank. This is especially helpful before fuel assistance dollars are released or toward the end of the cold season when funding runs out.
For more information about supports for your family and home visit our Thriving Home page.