If you are no longer eligible for Medicaid or have lost your employer sponsored health insurance, you can contact the New Hampshire Navigators to explore other health insurance options.
New Hampshire has two Health Insurance Navigators that provide health insurance enrollment assistance in person, virtually, and by phone, at no cost to you.
The Health Insurance Marketplace® provides health plan shopping and enrollment services for individuals and families (the individual market), as well as employees of small businesses [the Small Business Health Operations Program (SHOP)] through websites, call centers, and in-person assistance. The plans and website can be difficult and overwhelming to navigate.
* Health Market Connect NH (HMC-NH) Contact by phone: 800-208-5164, email help@hmcnh.com or visit their website
* First Choices Services; Contact by phone 1-877-211-NAVI or (603) 931 3858 or visit their website
** You can also visit the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace at https://www.healthcare.gov/, or call the Marketplace Call Center at 1-800-318-2596
Looking for additional local providers and resources on your family’s wellness journey? Be sure to visit our Pediatrics and Family Health page.