Trauma Responsive Youth Services Workshop with Dr. Cassie Yackley
From our partners at Community Action for Safe Teens (CAST); a FREE workshop for educators, youth workers, and anyone else that works with youth.
Wednesday May 31st 9:30 – 1:30
at Boys & Girls Club of Souhegan Valley 56 Mont Vernon Street, Milford
Educators and youth workers have noticed a sharp increase in “out-of-control” behavior in the youth they serve, and they are finding these behaviors increasingly challenging to manage. Our country has observed an epidemic of gun violence, a rise in divisiveness among adults, and it has survived a pandemic. Training in Trauma-Responsive Youth Services equips youth workers to better understand the causes of challenging behavior, and intervene in a manner that facilitates growth and does not inadvertently re- traumatize youth.
Participants will learn brain-based, relationship focused strategies to intervene more effectively with all youth.
To register click HERE
or scan QR code
For more information contact Monica Gallant at