STEAM Sleuthers at Peabody Mill Environmental Center
Is your preschooler eager to learn about the world they live in or love wandering through the woods?
Join Peabody Mill Environmental Center for STEAM Sleuther! Each month they will use STEAM principles (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) to explore a new topic in nature and learn about the environment around us.
During each class, they will enjoy a read-aloud book, followed by circle time and a STEAM activity to explore the month’s topic.
For children ages 3-6 and their caregivers
Peabody Mill Environmental center (66 Brooks Rd., Amherst)
Classes run the first three Fridays of each month 10:00am-10:45am.
Cost is $29 for Amherst residents; $36 for non-residents
*In case of inclement weather class will be rescheduled to the 4th Friday of the month. Participants will be notified by email by 9am.
To register click HERE