Souhegan Sustainability Fair
The purpose of this event is to bring together members of the Souhegan River Watershed community; individuals, families, schools, town departments, commissions, businesses and private organizations to learn and share ideas and best practices around socially and environmentally responsible living, to celebrate the natural beauty of the Souhegan Valley, and to educate and implement new ideas that will protect our natural resources.
This is a FREE, regional family-friendly event with learning opportunities and activities for both adults and children.
Saturday, April 5, 2025; 9:00 – 1:00
at the Boys and Girls Club of Souhegan Valley, 56 Mont Vernon St. Milford
🥫Visitors to the event will be invited to bring a nonperishable food item to donate to SHARE, a local food pantry.
Live Music, Food , guided hike, Storywalk and Kids’s crafts
Please note: This is a plastic-free event (no single-use plastics or trinkets).
Participating Exhibiters:
American Rivers
Amherst Conservation Commission
Amherst Garden Club
Amherst Land Trust
Beaver Brook Association
BGC-SV Sustainability Green Team students
BBA Miss Rachael B.
CHICKS Caregivers and Kids with NH Healthy Climate
Discovery Education
Ecosmith Textile Recyclers
Gaia Educational Outreach Institute-Wild Rose Farm
Health & Hearth – natural skin care & green cleaning. Food waste prevention
HAREI-Hillsborough Area Renewable Energy Initiative
Life Forest
Milford Conservation Commission with Town Engineer & Stormwater Manager
Milford Garden Club
MMS Environmental Club
Milford Wildflower Festival
NH Environmental Educators Assoc.
NH Fish & Game
NH Gleans
NH Healthy Climate
Nashua Regional Planning Commission
Nuvera Hydrogen Engines
Souhegan River LAC & SWA
Town of Milford Solid Waste Comm*
UU Church Sustainability Team
Wadleigh Library-Milford
Wilton Conservation Commission*
🎶 Music by :
Justin Cohn
Ben Erdody
No Planet B
🥙 🥗 Homemade luncheon food and beverages by the Milford Lion’s Club and bake sale items by the BGC Keystone Club. Vegan snacks by the UU Church
Please contact cpbmilford@gmail.com if you would like to set up a table with your educational materials.
➡️ More information and updates can be found on their event Facebook page