Milford Thrives December Family Friendly Hike
Join Milford Thrives as we explore local hiking spots. Held on the second Saturday of the month, we’ll lead you on guided walks through local area family-friendly paths and trails.
This month we’ll meet up Saturday, December 9 from 10:00-11:00
Meet at the Pavilion at Hitchiner Town Forest (drive to the end of Mullen Road, off of Osgood Road in Milford)
The hike will include an easy walk into Beaver Brook’s Burns Farm Brook Trail.🌲✨ We will collect some mountain laurel, white pine and hemlock to make a festive evergreen arrangement back at the picnic tables of the pavilion.
Mugs will be provided for this activity. Let nature and evergreen oils ease you into the holiday spirit.
No registration necessary. Suitable for all ages. All are welcome!
No dogs please on this hike.