Mind in the Making: The Seven Essential Life Skills Every Child Needs
Join Child Care of Aware of NH as they explore the Seven (7) Essential Life Skills in their FREE eight (8) week session, Mind in the Making series.
**This series is open to child care providers AND parents!**
Mind in the Making (MITM) founder Ellen Galinsky began a research journey fueled by a question: How to keep the fire for learning lighting up the eyes of children? (which every child is born with) Coursework is based on her book “Mind in the Making; The Seven Essential Life Skills Every Child Needs”
MITM’S Seven Essential Life Skills Learning Modules help adults understand and encourage important executive function-based skills children need to thrive.
Each time you meet you will look into a life skill and how that can empower you and the children in your care or in your life. What are those 7 Essential Life Skills?
1. Focus and Self-Control
2. Perspective Taking
3. Communicating
4. Making Connections
5. Critical Thinking
6. Taking on Challenges
7. Self-Directed, Engaged Learning
Online via Zoom
Wednesdays beginning September 27 and running every Wednesday evening through November 15…6:00-8:00 PM
Registration is required…click HERE
This series will award participants up to sixteen (16) hours of professional development.
Questions?? Please contact Child Care Aware of New Hampshire at their Training and TA Line (603) 578-1386, ext.2526 and ext. 2532.