Virtual Parent Cafe: Where Flowers Bloom So Does HOPE
Join CAST (Community Action for Safe Teens) as they present the next in their series of free Virtual Parent Cafes: Where Flowers Bloom So Does HOPE.
Tuesday, May 24, 2022 9:30-11:00 OR 4:30-6:00
This a great opportunity to meet and connect with other parents in all stages of parenting. We will be having conversations around 2 protective factors that help build parenting resilience; Social Emotional Competence in Children and Concrete Supports in Times of Need.
* All Participants will be entered into a drawing for a $50 Visa Gift Card *
For more information call Melissa Sidilau at 603-672-1002 ext. 122 or email: msidilau@svbgc.org
Click HERE to register for the morning session
Click HERE to register for the late afternoon session