Spring break is upon us and you may be looking for something to do to get your family out of the house and enjoy some time together. This is a great time of year to explore all there is to do in the big city of Boston! The weather in April makes for a comfortable trip…not to mention everything is in bloom! And being just over an hour away from Milford makes Boston a very manageable day-trip destination with your kids. Consider taking the train into the city for an added adventure and less cost than driving in and parking.
Take a look at Spring Break In Boston: 24 Fun And Family-Friendly Activities for some ideas!
‼️ And don’t forget, if you’re interested in a trip to the Museum of Science or the New England Aquarium in Boston, our very own Wadleigh Library has discount passes available by reservation. Click HERE to access the museum pass page to reserve yours…reserve early as they’re usually popular on vacation weeks!
For more ideas for family friendly activities for vacation week or any time head to our Family Fun page.