Did you know there is a free call-in service for Milford-area parents and families provided by Waypoint Family Resource Center?

Any parenting question is welcome!

Looking for advice or for specific child development information?

Are you hoping to connect with a trusted, nonjudgmental, child and family support professional?

Searching for a specific resource for your child?

Reach out to Waypoint’s Family Support Line: 800-640-6486. Monday to Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, or leave a message after hours and someone will get back to you. Call to connect to professionals who can help with everything from coping strategies, child behaviors, family dynamics, household management and emotional distress … to gaining access to tools, resources, and services that can help you navigate life during challenging times.

For a list of additional parenting and family resources available to Milford families with young children, visit our Family Resources page.